Contact Tamarack West: 416.606.4584
Welcome to Tamarack West
Outdoor School

Summer Camp Registration
Opens annually on Feb. 1st, 10:00 AM

School Registration
We accept students on a rolling basis.

Outdoor School
Tamarack West Outdoor School is an independent elementary school running from Junior Kindergarten through grade 8, located in between High Park North and Junction Triangle, Toronto. Tamarack West’s main goal is to provide an outdoor/experiential education option to families of the community at large. We encourage you to explore our site and ask you to contact us with any questions.
Our Mandate
Tamarack West Outdoor School’s mandate is to provide a compassionate, challenging and inspiring environment where students feel safe to take risks and explore their potential. We are dedicated to helping develop resilient, confident and passionate children with inquisitive minds and strong skills.
At Tamarack West, experiential learning is a complete approach to education where “big picture” understanding is valued as much as “detailed” comprehension. At TW we follow three key steps:
ASSOCIATION Relating experiences and observations to curricular concepts.
INQUIRY Mentor/Teachers encourage students to ask questions by asking questions themselves and help guide the students in finding their own answers.
DILIGENCE Where application of ideas, concepts and formulas are learned as a means to further understanding.
COMPASSION Tamarack West is first and foremost a place where compassion is both practiced and taught. We believe compassion is a skill that when practiced regularly contributes to an individual’soverall happiness and connectedness. A compassionate person is not only better able tounderstand the world around them, but is better able to develop strong and meaningful relationships.

POSITIVE MODELING At TW our philosophy is that kids are more influenced by what we do rather than what we say. Our Mentor/Teachers follow this philosophy by using positive modeling as one of their core techniques. Daily, students learn fundamental life skills such as respect and responsibility as they observe their Mentor/Teachers modeling these traits in all regards, be it the environment, their community, their students and equally themselves. Our constant contact with both nature and the community, helps further encourage and guide our students in developing their own sense of respect and responsibility.

COMMUNICATION Being able to communicate feelings, ideas and needs as well as being able to listen to others and “hear” what they are saying – these are the keys to becoming a good communicator. We believe that having good communication skills is the cornerstone to becoming a strong, self sufficient and happy individual. At TW our practice is to listen, repeat and work together to resolve.

ENTHUSIASM Enthusiasm comes from Greek origins and refers to the inspiration that comes from a power within. An enthusiastic person is someone who has self-confidence, takes risks and faces challenges. Enthusiasm breeds resilience, motivation and determination, which when coupled with strong skills and knowledge leads to endless potential. At Tamarack West we see our children’s innate enthusiasm as a commodity to be valued, preserved and encouraged. Through our active outdoor approach we are able to foster this energy and allow it to be expressed freely – allowing kids to be kids. A child who is continually encouraged to embrace their enthusiasm may very likely never lose it.

The school has a deep appreciation for mixed ages and tries to group accordingly. Our program is usually split into roughly three groups, the grade range of which varies slightly each year depending on factors such as student enrolment and dynamics. Below is a breakdown of our current school year (2024).

Cedars/Birches (JK – Grade 1 – Grade 2)
This is a play-based, interest-led, experiential learning program. Students in this group spend their days exploring nature, playing games, and taking part in activities all geared toward developing their literacy, numeracy, and communication skills in a creative, compassionate environment. Daily tracking of our students’ interests helps inform our teachers in the programming of activities and scholastic focus, which lead the group into a broad range of topics encompassing history, geography, philosophy, and science.

A good example of how our groupings vary from year to year: this fall there, we had a lot of Grade 2s, so we put them into a group on their own and called them the Birches. Through the winter semester, we plan on bringing the Cedars and Birches together more, especially during the outdoor component of the day. Academically, they will continue to work mostly independently of each other.

Willows (Grade 3 – Grade 4)
The Willows program finds an increased focus on Experiential/Project-based learning. These are transitional years when our students start to develop significant skills in reading/writing, numeracy, and critical thinking. Guided by the curriculum, creativity, and play are still at the heart of the program as projects are geared towards interests and often encompass aspects of game play and hands-on learning.

* Creative expression, be it through art, play, or any other number of avenues, is one of the fundamentals at Tamarack West. Woven into the fabric of each day, every effort is made to integrate creative outlets throughout the learning as well as providing skill-based activities and ample time for free exploration.

**Our partnership with The Umbrella Project is one of a number of tools we use to help ensure consistent and regular discussions and activities around emotional literacy, which is at the heart of our commitment to creating a compassionate and safe environment for our students. Please note that though we have access to all of the Umbrella Project’s fantastic activities, we do not strictly follow the program. Like everything at Tamarack West, we let out an assessment of each group, and their various needs dictate which tools are best to use at which time.

***Our goal at each stage of our student’s development is to build on their natural sense of wonder and increase their confidence by giving them the skills to explore anything that grabs their interest. Our students should leave Tamarack able to meet/exceed the expectations of any school program.

Middle school is a tricky time for students; physically, developmentally and emotionally. Our aim is to provide a compassionate environment that challenges these growing minds while supporting the emotional/developmental changes that dominate this period of our students’ lives.

We do this by balancing the time in class with the time away from the class. Supporting our extensive academic program with meaningful experiences that go beyond book learning; offering opportunities for students to play, be creative, act silly, act serious etc.

Our students start their day doing morning challenges (math or literacy-based games), while listening to music (Jazz, Classical); setting the tone for the day. They then delve into philosophy, history, science (Physics, Biology, Chemistry), math and robotics from a perspective that requires them to question, analyze and debate.

The program builds on our tradition of experiential learning with a focus on projects to learn strong analytical and research skills. Communication skills, both oral and written, are also advanced through project/ presentation as well as regular philosophical debates/discussions.

Our reading list over the last two years has included such authors as Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, William Golding and Louis Sachar.

Numeracy skills are enhanced through our advanced mathematics program with support from our Senior Robotics program and coding. Science and Social Studies including History, Philosophy and Geography are studied in depth. Previous years’ texts include Yuval Noah Harrari’s “Sapiens,” Jostein Gaarder’s “Sophie’s World” and Jawaharlal Nehru’s “Letters from a Father to his Daughter”.

Creative expression, be it through art, drama or any other number of avenues, is woven into the fabric of all learning at Tamarack. Finding connections in what we learn is one of the most significant ways of truly understanding. To this, students are encouraged to find meaningful ways of expressing what they have learned and how this learning is being interpreted.

Yearly Tuition 2023-24

Cedars / Birches (JK – Gr. 2) – 18,600*

Willows (Gr. 3 – 4) – 18,600*

Joshua Trees (Gr. 5 – 8) – 18,900 (includes technology fee of 300)*

* Based on full-time attendance. Part-time attendance is calculated proportionally. For example, 1 day/week is 1/5th the yearly tuition. 2 days is 2/5ths and so on.

Part-time Options

Cedars / Birches (JK – Gr. 2) – no minimum

Willows (Gr. 3 – 4) – minimum 3 days/week

Joshua Trees (Gr. 5- 8) – minimum 4 days/week

Pay Schedule

A Non-refundable Deposit of 10% of your child’s annual tuition is required upon registration.

Monthly Instalments
Remaining fees can be paid in monthly instalments beginning August 20th through to April 20th. Those wishing to pay in instalments must contact Jay to sign up for direct deposit through EFT.

Three Instalments
August 20th – 30% of yearly tuition
November 20th – 30% of yearly tuition
February 20th – 30% of yearly tuition

Lump Sum
August 20th – 90% of yearly tuition


1. Are your teachers certified?
All of our teachers are certified by the Ontario College of Teachers or national/international equivalent. We take great care in hiring our teachers; multiple interviews, sample classes and work experience are all considered as part of our evaluation process.

2. Do you follow the Ontario curriculum?
We are not bound by the curriculum but use it as a guide to ensure our students are well prepared for entrance into the regular system at any point. We strive to exceed standard curriculum with our Experiential approach to learning – where early understanding of bigger concepts help prepare for more detailed analysis in later years.

3. Do you take part in standardized testing?
We do not take part in the Ontario yearly standardized testing program.

4. How do you teach Math outdoors?
Math is a subject that requires diligence in perfecting its application as well as time to understand its significance. At Tamarack West we use the outdoors as a venue to introduce and explore the ideas and significance of math as well as a space to play “math games” that hone the skills necessary to move forward with this subject. We create numerous opportunities to practice the skills necessary in performing the specific modules a given student is learning.

5. Do you go outside in the winter?
Our outdoor programming takes place throughout the year; sun, rain, sleet and snow. That said, on days that are particularly inclement, we take steps to keep warm and dry by staying in sheltered areas and/or shortening our time outside. Parents are supported with lists of suggested clothing that best protect their children and our Mentor/Teachers are trained to ensure all the children are safe from the dangers of exposure.

6. Does Tamarack West have an arts program?
At Tamarack West we place a high value on the arts. We believe that exposure and participation in the arts plays a significant role in a child’s development. Art, crafts, construction, theatre play and more play a large part of the curriculum both through application as well as exposure.

7. What are the hours?
Morning drop-off is between 9:00-9:15am for the Primary class and between 8:45-9:00am for the Junior and Senior classes. Pick-up for the Primary class is at 3:30pm and for the Junior and Senior classes at 3:15pm. We offer after school programming, which runs from 3:30-6:00pm.

8. What are the class sizes and teacher/student ratio?
At Tamarack West our class size is roughly 12 students. Two teachers work with each class, effectively providing lots of individual attention at a ratio of 1:6 teachers/assistants to students.

9. How do you travel to the various destinations?
We use a combination of TTC and walking, depending on the destination and age of the group.

10. Does Tamarack West have any religious affiliation?
Tamarack West is a secular, all-inclusive school, as such we do not subscribe to any specific religion. We strive to respect and honour all religions, cultures and customs equally and as such work to find common ground in all our holidays and celebrations.

11. How do you handle bullying?
Social justice is a priority at Tamarack West, both in practice and as a focus of learning. All adults associated with the school practice good modeling, where they practice consideration, patience and kind interaction with everyone with whom they come in contact. Tamarack West asks its students and teachers to honour the three T’s: Take care of oneself, Take care of others and Take care of one’s environment. From the earliest years through to grade 8, the students are engaged in frequent discussions about consideration and respect. Conflicts are dealt with immediately in a positive and supportive way, where those involved are asked to communicate their needs and find peaceful and productive solutions.

12. How can I see the school and meet the teachers?
Please call/email the school and talk with Jay to set up a personal meeting. Phone 416-606-4584 or email

13. Does Tamarack West have an actual school?
We do have a school, which is located near Bloor St. West and Dundas St. West. The space is in a large loft with a number of rooms, lots of natural light and very high ceilings, creating a very bright and open feeling. The space is set up to allow for a lot of freedom of movement and a sense of ownership and belonging among the students – a nice counterpoint to the outdoor component.

14. What does a typical day look like?
The School is divided into three classes; the Primaries, the Juniors and the Seniors. The Primaries begin their day outside; drop-off is between 9:00-9:15am, while the Juniors and Seniors begin their day in the school; drop-off is between 8:45-9:00am. At around noon the Juniors and Seniors leave the school and head outside for the afternoon. The Primaries usually arrive at the school at around 12:30, where they remain for the rest of the day. Pick up for the Primaries is at 3:30 and for the Juniors and Seniors is at 3:15.

15. Do you go on Field Trips?
We love going on Field Trips! Destinations include repeated trips to the ROM, the Ontario Science Centre, various parks, as well as one-off visits to selected programs and events. We are always on the look-out for exceptional experiences and encourage parent suggestions/involvement.

16. Do you offer half day/part time options?
One of our main objectives is to work with families and support them in whatever ways we can. To this we offer both full time and part time options including half days for those who wish it.

Interested in Working With Tamarack West?

We may have current or anticipated job openings at any point in the year, so it never hurts to reach out! Start building a working relationship with us by contacting to inquire about any job opportunities.

Some job positions we may need filled are:

  • Supply Teachers
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Ontario Certified Teachers (JK – Gr. 8)
  • 1-on-1 School Shadow Support
  • Senior & Junior Summer Camp Counsellors
We are always looking for compassionate and dedicated individuals. We encourage and welcome a diverse range of backgrounds, qualifications, and experiences for our various positions, so don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll take it from there.
School Registration For September Now Open
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Summer Camp Registration
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Read How to Avoid Errors During Camp Registration


We’d love to hear from you!

Reach us via phone at 416-606-4584 or email us at

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Additional WordPress development by Thomas Boldt